1) How much are the dues for SBPOA?
Currently, the dues are $50 per year. Our membership year runs from July 1st to June 30th. You may pay your dues in person at the annual meeting, or by mail. Sorry, we can only accept personal checks at this time.
2) What if I miss the annual meeting? How can I stay informed?
Our web site is an excellent place to look when seeking general information. If you are a member and happen to miss our annual meeting held each summer (usually at the Duggan School in White Lake), you may request a copy of the minutes of the meeting via email, or you may download a copy of the minutes from the Member Resources page, but you’ll need a User ID and password to access this page (just email us and we’ll send it to you). This page is kept secure because it contains proprietary information, and information on possible legal issues.
3) Why should I join SBPOA when I can get most information off the web site?
While it’s true there is a lot of information on our web site, your membership gets you much more than information! As an organized group of property owners, we have established good working relationships with Eagle Creek (the owner of Swinging Bridge reservoir), along with municipal and other governmental agencies. Those relationships can prove invaluable when issues arise regarding property values, water quality, water levels, etc. And if you have an issue with your property alone, we can offer insights and information based on many years of experience. THAT’S why you should join SBPOA. (By the way, we don’t mind non-members learning more about the Swinging Bridge area from the web site. We’re proud of our beautiful community and hope that when other people learn more about it, they will want to protect and conserve it, too.)
4) I live on the lake and I want to install a new dock. What should I do first?
Because the lake – and the 50 feet of shoreline up from the water’s edge – is owned by Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, you must contact them before you install anything on or near that 50-foot shoreline boundary, including before you remove any vegetation or trees, or install steps, lighting, or retaining walls, etc. You can find contact information for Eagle Creek on the Lake Owner page. You may also need to acquire a Protection Of Waters Permit from the NYS DEC. It is required for constructing, reconstructing, or repairing docks or platforms and installing moorings on, in or above navigable waters to create docking facilities, mooring areas or to facilitate other activities. If you are a SBPOA member, you may email us for more information.
5) What are flashboards and how are they used to control water at the dam on Swinging Bridge reservoir?
The Association is frequently asked what flashboards are and what the structure does in the functioning of the reservoir. Perhaps this explanation might help:
Water flows into the reservoir through the Mongaup River and its tributaries in the northern sections of the valley. Under normal conditions, water leaves the reservoir through the generating unit that is supplied by a large tunnel which passes around the right side of the dam. By operating the unit, the reservoir elevation is maintained to protect the dam and to provide recreational opportunities. At present, the reservoir elevation is typically maintained between 1060 and 1065 during the recreational season.
Currently, the upper level of the reservoir is limited to elevation 1065. This level is determined by the height of the spillway crest, which is located to the right side of the dam. In order to allow the reservoir to achieve its normal upper elevation of 1070, two structures are installed on the spillway crest ˆ spillway gates and flashboards. The attached photo of the spillway area will help you better understand how these structures work.
[Photo: Swinging Bridge dam showing the spillway gates.]
On the left side of the photo, are the installed spillway gates. This structure is made up of five gates that can be raised or lowered to allow the release of water during periods when the flows into the reservoir are greater than the amount that can pass through the generating unit. These gates act as a second line of defense against overtopping the dam. At predetermined elevations and flows, these gates are operated to maintain the reservoir within safe boundaries.
The open gap on the right side of the photo is the area where the flashboards are normally installed. The flashboards serve as the third line of defense against overtopping the dam. This structure, which normally assists in retaining the topmost five feet of water in the reservoir, is designed to automatically collapse at a predetermined elevation in the event that flows into the reservoir exceed the capability of both the generating unit and the spillway gates. This can occur during periods of extreme flooding in the valley.
Now that the flashboards are installed, and the spillway gates are closed, the reservoir elevation can be returned to its normal upper elevation of 1070, five feet higher than the present upper limit. We hope the higher elevation happens in time for the 2014 summer recreation season.